Aims & Objectives
The prime objective of the Samithi is to propagate and implement the philosophy of Basava and other Sharanas
To publish the works of Basava and other sharanas and also translations of their works in different languages
To make a comparative study of the philosophy of Basava with other Philosophies of the World
To give scholarships, monetary aids to deserving students belonging to socially and economically backward classes and differently abled persons
To help and support the established orphanages and homes for the senior living and differently abled persons
To establish and run schools, colleges, gurukuls, Research Institutions, Hospitals, Religious Institutions, Hostels, Free Boarding, Training and other Institutions of various kind and connected activities for the benefits to fallregions as decided by the Working Committee from time to time
To organise and hold centenaries and annual celebrations smavanothsava of Basava and other Sharanas
To hold examinations and confer degrees, diplomas and or certificates by the Samithi in association with recognised universities and to confer upon persons who have contributed to the promotion of Basava Philosophy Movement the following awards:
i. BasavaRathna
ii. KayakaRathna
iii. DasohaRathna
iv. BasavaVibhushana
v. BasavaBhushana
vi. Basava Shri
To acquire, unearth, collect and preserve the writings, inscriptions, copper plates, palm leaves, coins, paintings, ancient monuments, images and / or other materials relating to Basava and other Sharanas and to establish museums for that purpose
To publish journals and periodicals in Kannada and other language
To take necessary steps for implementing Basava's teachings and philosophy
To do research work about the life and history of Basava and other Sharanas
To study, interpret and propagate the teachings and philosophy of Basava and other Sharanas and to publish literature about them in several languages including propagation through Digital Media or future innovative mediums
To promote understanding and amity between different communities of the world by expounding the humanitarian teachings of Basava
To establish, maintain, support hostels and / or boarding houses for the students including the weaker sections of the Society
To establish, take over, maintain, support charitable hospitals, health centres, etc., including in backward and rural areas for the benefit of the poor
To establish and manage institutions for carrying on research or teachings of subjects dealing with religion, comparative philosophy, Yoga, Culture, Ayurveda, Indian Languages, Vachana Literature, folklore and fine arts
To organise and encourage study courses, seminars, symposia, conferences, lectures, research papers, online course, podcasting, quiz competitions, books, films, dramas,ballets,etc.,through all forms of media including print and visual for disseminating knowledge about Basava and his teaching
To establish Vachana Academy, Kayaka and DasohaPeetha establish study chairs and aid, conduct and /or manage educational and cultural institutions
To establish and support Research Centres, Libraries, etc., to promote literature/culture of Basava and other Sharanas philosophy
To establish and maintain centres or branches of the Samithi within and outside India for carrying out the aims and objectives of the Samithi